•  Our beer  •


Carrie's Beer

ABV: 6.7%
Style: Beer brewed with ginger and pineapple

To kick things off, we bring you Carrie’s, a beer brewed with ginger and pineapple but fermented oh-so-dry, so there’s none of that syrupy sweetness hanging around. It’s crisp with a hint of fruit and a snappy ginger finish, and also happens to be naturally gluten-free and dangerously drinkable.  


•  Where to drink it  •

Looking to find Sweet Thursday near you? Drop your email and ZIP code here, and we’ll let you know when it’s available in your area.  We’re not distributing yet, but once we start you can check back here to see a list of where we’ve recently delivered fresh brews, though we recommend checking checking a venue's Beermenus page or the beer-finder app below since tap lines and stock can change quickly!


•  Beer Menu  •


•  Want to Carry Sweet Thursday?  •

We’re always interested in talking to new retail partners - even if we don’t yet distribute in your area.  Let us know below and we’ll be in touch!
